Wednesday, May 23, 2007

daria daria

Photo: Delphine Achard
I love this photo of Ms. Daria Werbowy - sophisticated old glamor and unleashed attitude.


Anonymous said...

She is looking so gorgeous!

Model Citzen said...

love the red lipstick. it isn't too matted or shiny... just the right shade

Anonymous said...

she does look quite beautiful.

Mash said...

In france we said she looks like a "femme fatale" (sorry I don't know how to say that in english)

Tru said...


Asi Mod said...

She looks fabulous there!!

Where has she been? She used to be everywhere.

María said...

Love it! Reminds me of Veronica Lake. I would like to know how to do that hairdo.

-ciao bella- said...

She's absolutely stunning... as usual.

Emma said...

I must say, she is beautiful. And I agree with mash, she is such a femme fatale in that photo, so very film noir.

eword said...

she was a modern lauren bacall at valentino last season.