Sunday, June 12, 2011

How to wear a 'fashion turban'

Why am I sharing this photo of me giving the camera some sizzling eyes at awesome vegan, gluten-free resto, SAF, in London's Shoreditch neighborhood? Because this photo is the source of a triumphant sartorial revelation I just had: how I should rock a 'fashion turban'. I'm wearing one here designed by my pal, Montréal designer, Audrey Cantwell. I wear it knotted in the front, and with my curly hair poppin' out the bottom. This façon seems to make it clear that I'm not going for the whole fortune teller/tribal/healer/pious look. Thought I'd share that lil' fashion '"aha moment" (Oprah show RIP) with y'all.


CDC said...

i love the turban... thanks for sharing! i'm a huge fan of hats and i'm hoping i can transition into wearing a turban the right way, too.

Danielle said...

Love it!

And love SAF in London - ate there last summer, best vegan meal EVER


you look so great, you rock the turban!

Sheia said...

I just went to the Cantwell site to look at her turbans, sadly they don't seem to be offered anymore. Lucky you! Looks great on you

Em said...

I'm just getting into the turban as a fashion piece, and I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

What do you do to your curls to make them so full-looking?

